One reason why Performance Management Systems fail is a lack of training. Having introduced a PMS the organization should ensure that everyone who must engage with the system knows how to use it. Such persons are the managers and employees.
Managers must be taught how to create the KPIs that they expect their employees to achieve. They must be taught how to fill out the relevant documents, be it paper-based or electronic. Managers should also be au courant with the scoring system adopted by the organization, knowing how to apply them to actual performance.
Employees must be taught that the system is not designed to punish them, that it is a tool to assist the organization in accomplishing its goals. They must also be taught that training may be used to close any gaps between expected and actual performance, that the organization has a vested interest in their success because a successful employee leads to a successful organization.
Both parties must understand the entire process from start to finish and what is expected at each stage. Most of all, both managers and employees must be able to see the strategic link with regards to KPIs.
Have a productive week!