Deadlines! Any goal worth achieving must be timebound, or else it may never get done. All the components of the PMS must have deadlines so that the process flows smoothly.
The work plan must be prepared for the following period and as early as possible in the year. Completion of such must be subject to a deadline because the work plan forms the basis of guiding the employee as to what s/he has to achieve over the next time period and how s/he will be appraised at the end of that period. Basically, it allows the employee to control, to a large extent, how successful s/he is at appraisal time.
It is pertinent that deadlines be set even if the organization requests quarterly or semi-annual appraisals, in addition to end-of-year ones. The appraisal is a tool meant to review an employee’s performance over a specified period of time, with the view to correcting any gaps s/he may have in skills or knowledge so that s/he can effectively accomplish those tasks leading to organization success. It also allows good performers to be rewarded.
This does not negate the fact that the process is sometimes unpleasant or time-consuming for managers. However, for ultimate organization success, deadlines must be set and adhered to.
Be blessed!